INTELLIGENCE: The White Hats Must Lead

Intelligence, Issue #19.
A laser focus on what works: that’s what we need in our sustainability leaders. There’s no time for low-value actions. The powerful forces determined to hold the status quo on climate have found what works for them. We are the white hats and we must do the same. 
To win we need leaders using scientific rigor and method to find what is most likely to actually work, then to drive only those actions forward. We’re the posse and they have a head start. Finding what works is possible and nothing less will do.
Here’s my take on approaching sustainability projects and problems with rigor. Please let me know what you think.

Rigor Wins the Nobel Prize

From Valutus Sustainability R.O.I. #18 Rigor: Part 1 Consider that the first Econ laureates, in 1969, were recognized for “applied dynamic models for the analysis of economic processes.” In 1970 it was for, “static and dynamic economic theory.” A year later came, “empirically founded interpretation of economic growth,” followed closely by ‘economic equilibrium theory,’ ‘input-output’ method, the…

The Effect of the Photoelectric Effect

By Dan Kempner, Managing Editor, Valutus Sustainability R.O.I. Last week I met a microbiologist, a former Vietnam War medic who has travelled the world meeting with other scientists, doing research, and working tirelessly to understand and manage infectious diseases. His dissertation focused on Alexandre Yersin, who developed an anti-plague vaccine at the Pasteur Institute in…

Of Tigers…

…and Pangolins An article this week in The Los Angeles Times details the culling of the Pangolin, an armored anteater rather like a tropical aardvark. The thousand-or-so scales that protect the animal from its natural predators – big cats: lions, tigers, and leopards — are no match for poachers. “…Because their meat is considered a…